Next issue and compilation is due out in March. We are accepting all contributions both writing and music in the month of February. Get involved! Contact me at

Currently working on the next issue of the zine.

The next issue of Murder & Mayhem's Zine and Compilation will be out in a couple of weeks. I don't need any contributors for the zine this time, but if your band wants to be on the compilation album, please send me a MP3 or physical copy of the song you would like featured. The one rule is nothing that's on spotify or any shit like that, and you must like it yourself. I get a lot of shit sent my way, and over half of it makes the compilation. It doesn't have to be good, but my ear-holes get hella tortured by some of you. 

The next issue will have a haiku from one of the finest writers alive today, Mykel Board. There also be reviews, shit talking, and sloppy handwriting and dumb shit as always.

If you haven't read the zine yet, you can send me $2 for a physical copy; email I can take paypal, cashapp, venmo, cash, check, or money order. If you are to cheap or not in the US, pdf's are available in the links of the sidebar of the main blog.

The compilations are $4 for a cd or $7 for cASSette postage paid; once again, if you hate physical media or not in the US or are a cheap fuck, they stream on audiomack as well as all the other Murder & Mayhem classis releases as well as releases from A-team, Mabro, and Yage Records. You can also download the MP3's from the IS RISEN album on mediafire here.

If you want to advertise, we are cheaper than an ugly crackwhore. Send me $3.00 for a beer and I'll give you 3 sentences in the zine! Fuck you can get your haiku published!

also we need performers for MAYHEM FEST this September or October at Panther Lake, Willow Spring, NC.

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