This is a punk blog about a punk zine based on a punk record label, so YOU might not understand.

Halloween Zine Soundtrack

Showing posts with label PSYCHO 13. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PSYCHO 13. Show all posts

Here's Y'all's Treat

Now that the Murder & Mayhem's Halloween Zine has been distributed and Mayhem Fest has come to an end, it is time to give this shit to everyone for fucking free! Here's the link to download the zine on mediafire:  

There is much more to tell you, so watch this blog in the final days of this Samhain Season for more more ghastly delights. If you want the paper copy, it's $2.00 or trade 4 ur stoopid zine! The next post will dive deeper into what the paper copy couldn't fit. I leave you with some sexy graveyard goth pics.                                                                     
                                                                Happy Fall Y'all!