This is a punk blog about a punk zine based on a punk record label, so YOU might not understand.

Halloween Zine Soundtrack

Showing posts with label the louts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label the louts. Show all posts

Here's Y'all's Treat

Now that the Murder & Mayhem's Halloween Zine has been distributed and Mayhem Fest has come to an end, it is time to give this shit to everyone for fucking free! Here's the link to download the zine on mediafire:  

There is much more to tell you, so watch this blog in the final days of this Samhain Season for more more ghastly delights. If you want the paper copy, it's $2.00 or trade 4 ur stoopid zine! The next post will dive deeper into what the paper copy couldn't fit. I leave you with some sexy graveyard goth pics.                                                                     
                                                                Happy Fall Y'all! 

Murder & Mayhem's Halloween Zine is the treat the punks have been waiting all year for.

Oi! You Punks & Drunks,

Are you like me and live to be a freak? Do you like to dress like a zombie slut, snort pixie sticks, get pissed drunk, and eat so much candy that Keith Morris has better blood sugar levels than you? Then you must check out the fourth issue of Murder & Mayhem! Usually, Mayhem is 4 punx only, but in the spirit of Samhain, even if you aren't as punk as puke, the zine is still fun! But, please don't think that I sold out like Jared 4skin did with his shitty book Going Down The Punk Rock Highway; the Trey of Today will never let THE LOUTS, be sold on walmart or amazon. The Mayhem Zine is always DIY! So, the Halloween Zine features punks from all genres, ages, and countries! There's interviews with Raleigh legends: punk rock cartoonist, and POLVO member, Brian Walsby! Brian drew a beautiful cover; Walsby's talented! Another longtime Raleigh fuck up, Andy, from KIFF gives us more evidence of his love for KISS. Then there's the young punks keeping alive the tradition COC  started: Pollute. and Chapel Hill freaks GEEKED. There's mayhem from a metalhead of HELLWITCH. Poetry including a horror haiku from my master, Mykel Board. I'm glad that piece of shit contributed; can you believe Mykel Board hates Halloween? I mean just read his blog post on the subject. Last year I sent him some candy laced with rat poison and other tricks and treats. He had his scrooge epiphany and contributed a Horror Haiku. There's also the chaos and porn you expect from the brand that bought you DRUNK's NOT DEAD.

Usually, I put links for the free download to the mp3's and pdf of the zine, but y'all are 2 spoiled. I will post a link to the pdf on AnarchoPunk.net  soon, but not here until October. My zine is paper not digital. If you want a paper copy send me $2 or a trade; email TREYOFTODAY@YAHOO.COM for contact; or paypal me. If you want the comp on cd plus bonus trax send me 5 bux or trade. You can here the 13 song track featuring "Elm Street" by Rum Luck, a MISFITS cover by DEAD STUFF, Muder & Mayhem's own horror punk, PSYCHO 13 ,and a live song by TSOL, you can guess which one at
cover art by Brian Walsby

                                                        Audiomack: HALLOWEEN ZINE

The Ministers, Martyrs, and Maniacs should be checking their mailboxes for MAYHEM; there are a few at Panther Lake, Chapel of Bones, and maybe some are still at King's, I haven't got down to Sorry State yet, but I will soon. GEEKED is playing at Neptune's in Raleigh on September 26th, and if I don't get abducted by aliens, Mayhem will be there!

Speaking of being abducted by aliens, at the debut MAYHEM last night at Panther Lake, we were visited from the extraterrestrial realm. It's good to see that Brian Walsby's art and Mykel Board's poems are enjoyed intergalactically. See for yourself, they seem to love sAmmEe but who doesn't?

I will post links to the pdf in October as well as other tricks and treats. But until then, I will leave you with live footage from Geeked and Pollute.

The next issue of Murder & Mayhem will be the last! If you want in on this shit, get in touch with me before we slaughter the turkeys! Stay tuned to this blog for more MAYHEM to celebrate Satan's birthday this spooky season and updates on punk shows and other nonsense!  

I DRINK A LOT! and give little fux

 Hey, if you got some Mayhem in the mail, consider it a promo or first edition. Half of the promo cd's are wrong and the track that's all static is: "Sadlack's Heroes" by the LOUTS, so at least I only fucked up Murder & Mayhem's stuff and not anyone important. But, "Sadlck's Heroes" is a great song off The LOUTS / TWO FISTED split 7". It's dedicated to a bar named Sadlack's that was right by the COC house. Slayer Dug would just show up during the day and mosh to no music at all. It was great times; now it's skyscrapers. Fuck this place! Anyway download: THE LOUTS "Sadlacks Heroes" mp3 here on mediafire or you can stream it here: THE LOUTS on audiomack. I'll do you one better and give you the 7" for free art and all; download it here: 

OK, the one other mistake was I had the wrong song from a band named: Bödel. Bödel are d-beat from Sweden; they told me that they picked up a copy of the zine. I don't know where the fuck they did that in Sweden, but I am glad that they did. Y'all will enjoy oi oi oi this banger! Please don't ask me how to say this or what it means but listen to: "Ett folkmord till frukost och en kopp kaffe tack"  download Ett folkmord till frukost och en kopp kaffe tack promo with mp3 and more here , or if you prefer: stream it here.



or stream the compilation here:

and download just the pdf of zine:

That's it, y'all! Check your mailboxes or look around Raleigh for the zine.