This is a punk blog about a punk zine based on a punk record label, so YOU might not understand.

Halloween Zine Soundtrack

Showing posts with label chapel hill. Show all posts
Showing posts with label chapel hill. Show all posts

Murder & Mayhem's Halloween Zine is the treat the punks have been waiting all year for.

Oi! You Punks & Drunks,

Are you like me and live to be a freak? Do you like to dress like a zombie slut, snort pixie sticks, get pissed drunk, and eat so much candy that Keith Morris has better blood sugar levels than you? Then you must check out the fourth issue of Murder & Mayhem! Usually, Mayhem is 4 punx only, but in the spirit of Samhain, even if you aren't as punk as puke, the zine is still fun! But, please don't think that I sold out like Jared 4skin did with his shitty book Going Down The Punk Rock Highway; the Trey of Today will never let THE LOUTS, be sold on walmart or amazon. The Mayhem Zine is always DIY! So, the Halloween Zine features punks from all genres, ages, and countries! There's interviews with Raleigh legends: punk rock cartoonist, and POLVO member, Brian Walsby! Brian drew a beautiful cover; Walsby's talented! Another longtime Raleigh fuck up, Andy, from KIFF gives us more evidence of his love for KISS. Then there's the young punks keeping alive the tradition COC  started: Pollute. and Chapel Hill freaks GEEKED. There's mayhem from a metalhead of HELLWITCH. Poetry including a horror haiku from my master, Mykel Board. I'm glad that piece of shit contributed; can you believe Mykel Board hates Halloween? I mean just read his blog post on the subject. Last year I sent him some candy laced with rat poison and other tricks and treats. He had his scrooge epiphany and contributed a Horror Haiku. There's also the chaos and porn you expect from the brand that bought you DRUNK's NOT DEAD.

Usually, I put links for the free download to the mp3's and pdf of the zine, but y'all are 2 spoiled. I will post a link to the pdf on AnarchoPunk.net  soon, but not here until October. My zine is paper not digital. If you want a paper copy send me $2 or a trade; email TREYOFTODAY@YAHOO.COM for contact; or paypal me. If you want the comp on cd plus bonus trax send me 5 bux or trade. You can here the 13 song track featuring "Elm Street" by Rum Luck, a MISFITS cover by DEAD STUFF, Muder & Mayhem's own horror punk, PSYCHO 13 ,and a live song by TSOL, you can guess which one at
cover art by Brian Walsby

                                                        Audiomack: HALLOWEEN ZINE

The Ministers, Martyrs, and Maniacs should be checking their mailboxes for MAYHEM; there are a few at Panther Lake, Chapel of Bones, and maybe some are still at King's, I haven't got down to Sorry State yet, but I will soon. GEEKED is playing at Neptune's in Raleigh on September 26th, and if I don't get abducted by aliens, Mayhem will be there!

Speaking of being abducted by aliens, at the debut MAYHEM last night at Panther Lake, we were visited from the extraterrestrial realm. It's good to see that Brian Walsby's art and Mykel Board's poems are enjoyed intergalactically. See for yourself, they seem to love sAmmEe but who doesn't?

I will post links to the pdf in October as well as other tricks and treats. But until then, I will leave you with live footage from Geeked and Pollute.

The next issue of Murder & Mayhem will be the last! If you want in on this shit, get in touch with me before we slaughter the turkeys! Stay tuned to this blog for more MAYHEM to celebrate Satan's birthday this spooky season and updates on punk shows and other nonsense!  

NC Show Listing

 I found a list of shows in North Carolina, titled: “All Things Hard, Harsh & Heavy” compiled by: rstamey@hotmail.com

Whoever they are, they are awesome for doing this. I will definitely make some copies and make sure they are at Panther Lake, Sorry State Records, and whatever other bar or tattoo place I stumble into. 

Here’s the list:


One show not listed, which I will be at, with the summer’s issue of Murder & Mayhem’s Zine is on June 12th, in Durham. My two favorite local bands: POLLUTE and GEEKED

Also UPCHUCK! is playing in Durham on July 25th.

& for you PSYCHO 13 fiends, BLOOD RED RIVER is playing the Cave on May 18th, but who the fuck would want to see them when DAIKAIJU is playing two blocks away at the Local 506? 

If you want to get a taste of nostalgia before the BLOOD RED RIVER show this weekend, stream Murder & Mayhem’s 4th release: the I Bury the Living ep on audiomack

Please let me know any other shows y'all want me to list on here, and we are trying to book a MAYHEM FEST at Panther Lake in September or October. Any hardcore, punk, metal bands interested in playing near Raleigh and camping, barbecuing, drinking, getting stoned, and spreading subversion and creating chaos, PLEASE GET IN TOUCH! It'll be hella rad, maybe will have performances by Trey of Today, Johnny Wylde, and Rhiannon Revenge! Who knows what can happen in a swamp down south, MAYHEM FEST! needs you, Mayhem se necisita groupos de punk o hardcore para jugar Mayhem Fest en Raleigh.

Happy 4/20! You Kunts!

 I have been meaning  to update this shit, but I have a life! I've been going to shows, playing bass, catching bass, eating ass, working, twerking, jerking, studying, and getting high! So 4give me and enjoy oi oi oi some videos of some shows that I went to recently. Read the next issue of Murder & Mayhem's Punk Zine 4 show reviews and shit talking! Look for it this summer until then, get high and listen to DAIKAIJU, my new favorite band, I saw them last week on my birthday, they were hella rad and so was NITE-NITE, whose bassist bought me a delicious shot of tequila and then produced a mickey's grenade. 

                                               my bud is flame, but on 4/15/2024 in Raleigh, 
DAIKAIJU provided the fire

GEEKED was fun as fuck,
what the hell is "egg-punk"
would the Angry Somoans be "egg punk?"
what about the Meatmen?
what ever happened to the word "goofcore?"
Fuck it, I saw GEEKED with TEEN MORTGAGE on 4/6/24, it rocked!

You know who doesn't rock?


I hate K. Morris! But for an unbiased review of the show read Jeff's take in the Sorry State Records' Newsletter on April 8th, 2024, I agree, but for you nostalgic, commercial, and posers, here's some footage:

Unlike the Sorry State shit-workers, I was not comped tix to The ADOLESCENTS show; I had to go sell records to Sorry State, to afford to see Jeff's band, SCARECROW; he treated me honestly and fairly. So if you need some meth or money for a show check out Sorry State in downtown Raleigh; Jeff will treat you well. I will trade shitty POLICE records to see ABSOLUT and DESTRUCT anyday! THis is punk:

I will have to go to Sorry State in the next day or two to sell some MISFITS and CRASS so I can see SCARECROW again, with DELETAR!

So if you are in Raleigh on 4/22, go to KINGS! I will be there; say hello and I'll give you a zine, if you can't make it, please download the latest issue of Murder & Mayhem's Punk Zine Murder & Mayhem IS RISEN here or the MP3's for the compilation here IS RISEN compilation featuring BORN AGAINST, DROPDEAD, THE LOUTS, and more mp3's

or stream on audiomack

and make sure to catch DELETAR on their US tour

Shows coming up near Raleigh, NC

 Here are some shows coming up soon in the Triangle area. If your band is coming by, please let me know!

And if you need a place to play in North Carolina, get in touch; you can play Panther Lake,..

and maybe, even, catch a "Foul Mouthed Bass" mp3

Happy Spring Equinox! Murder & Mayhem Is Risen! Links to free downloads of zine and a special gift

The new issue of Murder & Mayhem's Punk Zine and compilation is out! Maybe you were one of the first ones to get a copy at the SULTRY show in Chapel Hill last weekend; SULTRY and POLLUTE were great! So were the other bands, but I was disappointed that OVERGROWN THRONE is no longer; they were the best thing from Chapel Hill, since Murder & Mayhem favorite, THE DIRTY POLITICIANS. Keep your eyes out at shows for the new zine: or download the pdf here, but paper is punker! You can PayPal me me and send me $1.50 for a physical zine; also have CD's and Cassettes available for purchase;  you can stream the Is Risen album on audiomack here but once again, physical media is punker and has much more shit including some A-sides. Anyway, get ahold of the zine soon, just by looking at it, you become punker. BUT you must be punk to start or else it is just confusing nonsense. 
                                                      as always, get in touch if you want 2 be part of the summer issue

NOW ENJOY Oi Oi Oi Chapel Hill's the Dirty Politicians and don't say we never gave u nuttin'

Download The Dirty Politicians' CD here: A Vote For The Dirty Politcians cd.zip Download has 10 mp3's and artwork.

If you prefer their first 7" NEW AGE, who could blame you? Most punk bands' best shit is their first 7" or demo! I found the case for THE DIRTY POLITCIANS demo tape from 1998; I was so bummed when it wasn't in there. I would do a lot to get ahold of that tape! Even in mp3 form. Anyway download:
includes 4 mp3's and album art
IF you prefer to stream go to:

Enjoy the spring! Happy Easter, Asshole! Make Mayhem! 
Please PAYPAL ME $$$$$$ donate to Mayhem!
So I can drink more beer and print more zines
If you don’t want to give money away,
Cds; cassettes; zines; records; and custom videos are available; we can make all your punk rock dreams kum tru